Future-proof your site traffic
OpenPass is a single sign-on that gives publishers more control over their valuable first-party data.
Why choose OpenPass?
What makes OpenPass so powerful?
Integrate OpenPass today
Using OpenPass is simple
- Users enter their email address on your site.
- Next, they’re asked to confirm a six-digit pin.
- After that, they simply enter their email address on any other participating sites for instant access.

In the news

Publishers audience authentication strategies are put to the test
DigiDay's April 11, 2024 Media Briefing covers strategies available publisher websites to authenticate site visitors.

Growing Value on the Open Internet
Emry DowningHall of Unwind Media writes about the opportunities for publishers investing in post-cookie identity solutions like OpenPass and Unified ID 2.0 for AdExchanger.

The anti-moonshot: Why Chrome’s Privacy Sandbox is a failure of vision
Chrome’s Privacy Sandbox, an engineering project that had the potential to progress the open internet, has very few winners outside of Google.

Where have all the users gone?
How Google's actions could degrade the open internet and what publishers can do to stop it.